It's about Jesus
Service Times at a Glance
Preach the Whole Bible
We value the Bible. The whole Bible. Come & hear God's Word explained and applied in a refreshing & enjoyable way!
Teach the Whole Family
Jesus loves the little children. He loves adults and elders, too. We want to teach the whole family about Jesus & His Gospel
Reach the Whole Person
Jesus served people by teaching them. He also served them by feeding them. Just like Jesus, we want to reach the whole person.
Worship Service 11:00 am (in person & Livestream).
Sunday School - We will pick back up in the fall. Watch this page and the calendar for more information.
Sunday Evening see calendar for family events.
Wednesday - No classes/service during the summer.
Awana/Youth - We will pick back up in the fall. Watch this page and the calendar for more information.
Livestream services, pre-recorded lessons and other great streamed content can be found here:
Updates and information can be found here:
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