Where is guest parking?
​Please find a parking spot in our main parking area! Overflow parking is across the street at the Sterling Community Center.
What is the dress code?
What’s most important is that people are dressed in the righteousness of Christ! Other than that, please wear what you feel is most appropriate.
What activities are there for my kids?
There are several! Throughout the school year we have kids’ Sunday school from 10-10:45am and on Wednesdays we have our kids’ Bible club, Awana, from 6-8pm. The summer time brings VBS Soccer Camp along with lemonade for the kids out on the playground after the service every week!
Do my kids stay with me during the church service?
Yes! We have a few creative ways of keeping kids engaged during worship. Probably the most popular thing is our giant Treasure Chest filled with goodies every week for the kids. We work hard at creating a church experience that your kids won’t want to miss!
Do you provide a responsible & safe nursery?
Absolutely. We understand that our nursery volunteers are building trust with you by caring for your children. Each volunteer has been vetted by the Leadership Board and has passed a background check. The nursery is for children 4 years old and younger. There is also a nursing room available for nursing mothers.
What time is the service and when should I arrive?
Our service time is Sunday mornings at 11am. It’s a good idea to arrive 15 minutes early so that you can grab some fresh coffee, place any children in the nursery that you need to, and grab a seat! Our services usually last a little over an hour. Communion Sundays are once a month and usually end around 12:25pm.
Do you teach and preach from the Bible?
Every week. We usually work through books of the Bible which helps us learn how to read, study, and apply the Bible in context. Messages are usually around 25 minutes long, kid-friendly and Jesus-exalting.
How do I get in touch with the church?
You can call the church office at 907.262.4711 or email sterlingbaptist@acsalaska.net. You can also reach Pastor Andrew directly at 907.953.2244.
Do you have a food ministry?
We have a Meat Locker ministry that exists to feed people for the sake of Jesus Christ. Our priority is to care for widows, struggling families, and those who are on a fixed income. All meat and fish donated to the Meat Locker must come filleted, vacuum sealed, and labeled (what it is & when it was processed). If you are in need, please contact the church office!
How do I get involved?
We believe that it’s important for Christians to serve. Please tap someone on the shoulder who is serving in a capacity that you’d like to serve.
What denomination is your church affiliated with?
Our church is not affiliated with a specific denomination. We are an independent church led by the Leadership Board and governed by those who have partnered with our church.
How do I partner with the church?
While we typically use the term “church membership,” we prefer the term “church partnership.” If you’re interested in partnering with our church, please contact Pastor Andrew!