Our Missionaries

Arenas de San Pedro, Spain
Barry & Anita Beiles
Barry and Anita Beiles have served as missionaries in Spain with Baptist World Mission of Decatur, Alabama, since 2003. They lead the Evangelical Baptist Church of Arenas de San Pedro, in the Avila region of Spain, seeking to grow it and guide it to self-supporting status with a national pastor.

Kyiv, Ukraine
Mike & Rachel Gustafson
Mike and Rachel serve in Kyiv, Ukraine. Mike is the Team Leader. They serve in Ukrainian church ministry and leadership training.
The Gustafsons have been serving in Kyiv Ukraine since 2003 where Mike develops and trains church leaders at Kyiv Theological Seminary and the director of the Church Ministries Institute. Rachel is involved in children’s and ladies ministries at Bible and Life Baptist Church.

Tim & Barbara Whatley
Since I, Tim, was born to missionary parents and raised in Peru, South America, and Barbara was led to Peru as a missionary intern on the Arriba program, we met on our mission field. We have been married since 1985, and we praise God that He has given us seven children and a ministry in the mountains and jungles of Peru since 1988. It is thrilling to serve alongside our Bible school graduates, preach from our rooftop, reach out through our local radio stations, and see God’s Word produce fruit in those who come to Christ. Church planting demands many skills, and we would encourage anyone called by God to find a place with our little team, or another to which God directs. We are convinced that God’s callings ARE His enablings, so just be obedient; you will never regret it.

Montevideo, Uraguay
John Mark & Deborah Steel
John Mark, Déborah, Elizabeth, and Daniel James Steel are sent from Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville, SC, and serve with EMU International, with the purpose of assisting Uruguayan churches in evangelism and ministry training, primarily in the contexts of the Primer Instituto Bíblico F.V. Dabold and the developing Facultad de Estudios Bíblicos del Uruguay (FEBU).